31 January Ideas to Boost Your New Year’s Marketing Strategy

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to build upon what you’ve been creating along the years – and elevating your social media presence is certainly something to dive into as soon as 2021 turns into 2022. With both personal and professional content, you can help your audience get to know you and your expertise, leading to more business and deeper connections with your clients. 

But where to start? It can be difficult to think of topics for your social media that will positively impact your brand. If you’re having difficulty … look no further. We’ve compiled 31 January prompts to get you set up for the new year. 

For a visual element, Designs in Command has you covered with templates for everything from holiday posts to market updates.

Week 1

  • January 1Happy New Year! You know what to do! Share your New Year’s goals or resolutions with your followers. Not big on goals? Pick a word that encompasses what you want to do or become in 2022. Whatever it is, share it and ask your audience to share theirs. 
  • January 2 – The business week is about to start, but there’s still time to get cozy. Share a picture of your coziest outfit.

Week 2

  • January 3 – It’s Monday and you’re – snowed in? 🥶 Highlight the best snow removal service in your area to help your audience get out of the house on time. 
  • January 4 – What else is new in 2022? Use a Home Value graphic to help your followers understand the up-to-date value of their homes
  • January 5 – Brr! It’s getting chilly out here! Share a picture of you with your favorite hot beverage to let your followers know how to get the blood pumping on a Wednesday!
  • January 6 – The programming is popping! Check in with your community’s recreation center to see what kinds of classes are being offered this season. Then ask your audience if they’re more interested in the cake-baking or the calligraphy … 👀
  • January 7 – There’s so much in store! Let your community know with a post about a listing that’s coming soon! Use a Coming Soon graphic from Designs to get started.
  • January 8 – Are your clients looking for a little glamor? Show off three listings that feature a chandelier in the home. 💡
  • January 9 – A lot of people are looking to improve in 2022, whether in body, mind, or both! Share something that has served your body, mind, or spirit over time, whether it be a purposeful habit or a unique perspective. 

Week 3

  • January 10 – The future looks bright, but so does the present! Show how well you know the neighborhood by sharing a picture of the hottest spot with the best view in your market.
  • January 11 – Where would we be without our pets? 🐱🐶🐸 Snap a photo of the creature that lives rent-free in your home. If you’re not into animals, just go for your favorite cuddle buddy.
  • January 12 – Time to go shopping! Share your newest listing with a For Sale graphic.
  • January 13 – Are you really a member of the community if you don’t go ice skating in winter? ⛸ Let your audience know the best place to rent some skates and hit the ice.
  • January 14 – It’s Friday! Share a favorite cocktail or mocktail recipe to help your audience get the weekend started. Ask them to share their favorites in return. 
  • January 15 – Get out your Local Expert graphics. It’s time for the midmonth market update. Showcase your expertise with this month’s hottest neighborhoods and listing stats. 🔥
  • January 16 – Showcase the creativity that’s happening in your market. Share the details for a local art show to get your audience inspired. 

Week 4

  • January 17It’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Celebrate the world-changing leader with a holiday graphic and share with your audience what his legacy means to you.
  • January 18 – Can you squeeze a social post in today? Share your favorite scheduling tool or fresh 2022 calendar with your followers. Ask them what they do to manage their time effectively. 📅
  • January 19 Build up hype for a new listing that’s ready to show with an Open House graphic.
  • January 20 – Let your audience know who is shaking up the community. ❗ Highlight a new business that just opened up. 
  • January 21 – It may as well be a holiday. Why? Because your new and improved personally-branded magazine is ready to drop! Share the news (and the magazine) today! 
  • January 22 – It’s Snap-Saturday! Inform your audience where the market is heading with a Neighborhood Snap in Designs
  • January 23 – Sunday can be a great time to get reflective. Share the philosophies that guide your life and ask your audience to share how they create meaning every day. 

Week 5

  • January 24 – You belong. Highlight the diversity in your community with a spotlight for a minority-owned business in your area. 
  • January 25 – Let’s spread some positivity. Share something that brightened your day. ☀
  • January 26 – Signed and sealed! Show off a listing that’s under contract with a graphic in Designs
  • January 27 – What do you do when you’re looking for some grub on a Thursday night? Show what you know by highlighting the best late-night bites in your area. 
  • January 28You know your market best. Prove it with a Local Expert update.
  • January 29 – Happy Saturday! What’s your favorite way to spend it? Post a picture in your story of the perfect night out. See if your followers agree!
  • January 30 – What does your market look like when the lights go down? Post a picture of your neighborhood at night. 🌙

Week 6

  • January 31 – Happy end of the month! Check back in on your 2022 goals. ✅ What’s been working? What hasn’t? 

Share Your Tips and Strategies

Let’s talk about what’s working. As you implement these ideas into your social media strategy, we want to hear which tips and tricks create the most engagement with your audience. Let us know in the comments below!

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